Sunday, February 14, 2010

Quick Get-Away

We decided for Valentine's Day (or close enough) to make a quick trip to Greenleaf State Park in Eastern Oklahoma for a couple of days in a cabin. Greanleaf is a one of the smaller, quieter state parks, but their cabins are relatively nice (as far as state park cabins go) and really our only goal was to just relax and do as little as possible. If those are your goals, Greenleaf fits the bill.

Here's our little cabin. It had satellite TV, so we didn't really "rough it." The beds were a little firm, so those with delicate backs probably should look elsewhere. Great for an inexpensive couple of days away, though.

The state park itself is really beautiful. You don't really think of Oklahoma as covered in trees and hills, but Eastern Oklahoma is really beautiful. Even in February.

The drive down there took us through Tahlequah, OK and dinner at the Oklahoma institution: Del Rancho (home of the Steak Sandwich Supreme.) Sharon fell in love with Del Rancho on the first visit, so another visit had to occur on the way home. Here's the famous Del Rancho. Basically unchanged since 1959.


karis stapley said...

How great! It's soo nice sometimes to go & do nothing! I talked w/ Jessica B. the other day & they'd love to come out & visit this spring or summer. She suggested maybe we all do a cabin get away of sorts for part of their stay & I told them that the Gosneys def. have some great places to suggest. :) It would be so much for get all 3 couples together again!

karis stapley said...

Ok. should have checked my spelling & sentences b4 I posted. Meant to say
it would be so much fun to get all 3 couples together again. :)

Jessica said...

I love how you two are so good at these get-a-ways! And to such great places. Happy for you! We look forward to joining you some day soon hopefully!